jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

El ibis ‘eremita’

(Publicado en la edición digital de El Mundo de hoy).

MEDIO AMBIENTE | Instalado un sistema de videovigilancia en sus nidos

El ibis eremita se reproduce en Europa cinco siglos después y crea una colonia

Dos ejemplares de ibis eremita, en la provincia de Cádiz. | J.J.C.
Dos ejemplares de ibis eremita, en la provincia de Cádiz

I have been thinking about upload or not this post and finally I tell myself, why not? It’s funny. But I don’t know what is more funny if the name of the bird or that it is under video surveillance.

1 comentario:

  1. If you find that funny, then take a look to this... Try searching on 'Google>Images' any of the following terms:
    - "Bubo bubo"
    - "Dama dama"
    And, from a different natural kingdom:
    - "Populus tremula"
    - "Victoria regia"
    - "Rubia peregrina"
    - "Potentilla"
    - ...
    Really, Zoology and Botany may become two very funny sciences!
