jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

London XII

I am going to present some of my classmates.
Maybe, the most curious case is Veronica. The first day, in the welcome room, I focused in a woman because she was certainly in her forties, which highlighted at that place where the most were in their twenties or less. When we meet in class I knew that Veronica is a catholic Korean noon.
The second case is Jovanna. Jovanna is from Montenegro and she says that her country has 600.000 inhabitants. I think I had luck because I could met one of them in the world. Her main language is Serbian and her second language is Russian. She speaks perfectly Russian, because she lives in Moscow and works in a travel agency. I asked her about secession of Montenegro from Serbia and she did not like. I agree with her, although I am not from Montenegro. I told her that in Spain we say it is better tail of lion than head of mouse.
The third case is Benoit. He is from the French-speaking area of Switzerland and he speaks four languages. English, which he speaks better than me, will be his fifth language. Benoit thinks the French believe they're better than everyone else. I told him that the word chauvinism, used in many languages, comes actually from French.
These days had lunch with Iovanna, Benoit and Irma, who is from Estonia. She is not in my class and I only know about her she works at a bank, because she speaks very little.
Another day I will speak about other people.
To be continued...

-- Desde mi iPad

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